Glastonbury Tor!

‘Do you fancy a drive down to Glastonbury?’ Liam listened for Ciarán’s response, but he was as much listening to his own suggestion and the idea behind it. Could he be losing it?
‘That book has really got you, hasn’t it?’ Ciarán guessed the Light Son of Night had triggered this idea of an impromptu road trip.
‘I don’t think it’s just a story. And you don’t either, do you?'

Ref: DDD Chosen Men

Artist Morgan Wyche, GwynfydThinking

Glastonbury Tor!

‘Do you fancy a drive down to Glastonbury?’ Liam listened for Ciarán’s response, but he was as much listening to his own suggestion and the idea behind it. Could he be losing it?
‘That book has really got you, hasn’t it?’ Ciarán guessed the Light Son of Night had triggered this idea of an impromptu road trip.
‘I don’t think it’s just a story. And you don’t either, do you?'

Ref: DDD Chosen Men

Artist Morgan Wyche, GwynfydThinking