Moving onto the second plan!

Extending the excuse to chill together had caused them to wander over to the Tor before going back to the hotel afterwards. Walking up to its top in the dark, they had sat on stone ledges inside the ruined church
tower of St Michael and stared up through a wide opening to the clear night sky beyond. The sight of so many stars had been overwhelming. A distinctive violet one had seemed to continuously wink at them.

Ref: DDD Chosen Men

Artist Morgan Wyche,GwynfydThinking

Moving onto the second plan!

Extending the excuse to chill together had caused them to wander over to the Tor before going back to the hotel afterwards. Walking up to its top in the dark, they had sat on stone ledges inside the ruined church
tower of St Michael and stared up through a wide opening to the clear night sky beyond. The sight of so many stars had been overwhelming. A distinctive violet one had seemed to continuously wink at them.

Ref: DDD Chosen Men

Artist Morgan Wyche,GwynfydThinking